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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

11th - Entry Serius - dub dab dub dab

Serius, I'm worried about my son punya result SPM. Walaupun I tahu, he is the best, and always the best. Yes.. Cam daddy dia, like father like son! hehehe.. Hohoho! <My dottie pun the best ever gak tau..> Hari2 I google sana sini, kot terbaca bila keputusan SPM2010 keluar. Rumors kata mungkin 24 Februari, ada juga kata 28 Februari. Tapi, sepemerhatian I, the previous years, result come out someday in early of March, before school holiday.

To my loving-est son, my pray always be with you. Apa pun kita terima dengan redha. Yang terbaik datang dari-Nya. Amin..