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Thursday, March 10, 2011

21st - OMG, I'm berry Sleepy!

Owh, mengantuknya!

You arrived to this article because you are worried about your habit of feeling sleepy at work, particularly after the lunch. It looks very awkward when somebody notices your drowsiness and points it out. You get embarrassed and try everything which can get you rid of this syndrome.
Try combination of following tips to avoid feeling sleepy during the office hours.

Adopt Right Sleeping Habits: Have a sound sleep during the night hours. The average duration you should sleep per day is 7-8 hours. However, it really depends on your lifestyle and habit. The sleeping behavior may change from one person to another. Observe your comfort level and stick to it. Religiously!

Adopt Right Eating Habits: Heavy lunch is the biggest culprit to give you drowsiness post lunch. Eat nutritional lunch, high on vitamins. While you should avoid heavy lunch, keep munching multiple times during the day. Eat healthy carbohydrates and protein rich foods at lunch. Take juicy fruits one hour after the lunch

Drink Plenty of Water: Drinking a lot of water is preferable to taking caffeine or soda.

Do Light Exercise: After lunch walk a little and do couple of push-ups and sit-ups to provide ample oxygen to different parts of body and keep yourself active. Take stairs instead of elevators in the office.

Take a Power Nap: If you cannot avoid drowsiness at all, take a power nap of 5-10 min. This will set you free from further drowsiness.

Meditate for a Short While: Meditating will help you alleviate laziness and slump body. It relaxes you body and you feel rejuvenated after meditating for 5-10 minutes. Your mind become agile and you come out of the drowsiness.

Wash Your Face: Washing your face every time you feel sleepy is a good idea. You can also comb your hair and massage your face. This will certainly help you breaking the drowsiness.

Chat Face-to-face: Sleepiness can be result of feeling bored. Talk to your colleagues face-to-face to beat the boredom.

source : http://ezinearticles.com/