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Friday, April 22, 2011

42nd - Earth Day

Earth Day.

Apa yang kamu faham? Dunia makin tak selamat? Selamatkan lah!
How? Stop smoking, stop burning in the open place, reduce using electric power, and many more.

Are you dare to take the challenge? The easiest way - Stop Smoking! and you'll save not only your money, but your loves one.

Eh Encik Hubby, bila nak quit smoking? Hmmm... Promise to yourself, not to US. Berry easy kan?

Today, my company take this opportunity to take part in this big event of the world - Greenday. We clean our workplace, to archive our files at filing storeroom and many more. And the best part is, we get FREE t-shirt and meal for the whole working day too! hehehe..

To all, let's keep our place safe. The next generation also need to live in the safe place too. SAVE OUR PLANET!