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Friday, May 20, 2011

55th - All about si Anwar and Latifah


I'm proud to tell you, that I'm Anwar's and Latifah's mother.

Anwar - Berry ambitious, caring, loving and love to Zzzzz.. hehe.. Kalau dia marah, better u keep silent or he will be berry silent to you for few days.. :p
Bangga ada anak sebaik Anwar, kata adik dia, dia sangat famous kat sekolah dan dan dan.. Morning Rocket. O yea? Hehe..  He is crying ms result SPM keluar sbb tak dapat flying colors.. But I always tell him, that is not the end of his world. But the beginning of the war.. Padahal dia sendiri tulis camtu kan kat blog dia.. Hahaha..
Sekarang ni, bilik Anwar is most like 'kapal karam', tah hapa yang dikemasnya, I dunno.. Just wait and see.. hehe.. Hujan? Bila Aku Sudah Tiada..

To my beloved Anwar@baby, always remember this, ke mana pun kamu, Ibu, Ibu, Ibu dan Ayah will always be by your side. Just put your head on my shoulder whenever u need it... UIA - 28 May 2011.. hohoho..

Latifah - Love. Love. Love.. Anak manis, silent, sampai dia marah pun kita tak tau.. Once a while, kelakar tak hingat.. keje dia, netbook, netbook, FB, FB, blog and blog... tapi bila check blog, bersawang since last few weeks.. hehe.. She is berry good girl. Sayang sangat, sama cam ibu sayang abang. Sayang both of you camana uols sayang iols.. hehe.. ok tak..
Sekarang dah pandai buat cheesecake. Because of what? She loves eating! Hahaha.. I once crying masa baca entry about mother's day 2011. Terharu.. :p Tapi bilik dia.. ai ai.. malas nak cakap pape.. hahaha.. Justin Bieber.. arghhh.. cute sangat cam dia..

To my beloved Latifah@Pah@adik@dakmok.. My love for you is infinity. And ayah love u so much. Please keep loving us. 5A? bukan penentu kejayaan, tapi menjadi pengukur kematangan kita menghadapi masa depan. Keep up good work, Love! Ooo one more.. I'm your BFF. Share everything with me and I wont disappoint you!