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Friday, June 3, 2011

60th - All about shawl

Last weekend, my dear Son memulakan hidup baru sebagai student UIA, PJ. Well.. What can I say, the situation is not much different dengan his old school - Sekolah Islam Hidayah, JB. Registration bermula seawal 830 pagi tapi kami telah tiba sebelum pukul 8. Sebab Lisa De Inn just nearby UIA, about 1km.

I'm not familiar with Section 17 ni, so, biasalah.. sesat all the way only because Anwar and me terlepas pandang signboard selepas pintu gerbang Selangor DE. Hehehe..

After check in, I call my brother and sister, telling that I'm safely arrived there.. Huh.. terer tak, hahaha.. Sian my hubby, kerja kat Laos tak siap, and he can't meet my sweetheart as he planned earlier. B, nasib baik ibu kepala gila2 kan.. See.. gitu gini, banyak gak tempat kita perabis duit before we are leaving you.. :p

But I dont want to share that, it just to share what is our shawl style during the journey.. Yeay! <ni semua ciloks @Maria Elena - shortnaps>


Ok, it's not so many la the pic.. Later I will share more, sebab KAMI MEMANG GILer SHAWL! hehehe..