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Sunday, June 5, 2011

62nd - Seminggu without my Baby!

Siyes.. Rindu kat Anwar.. Rindu nak cium dia.. B, ibu rindu, like hell.. :(

Pagi Khamis - Kami akan ke Bank Muamalat untuk new account for UIAM new student, tapi pagi2 dah bersiap, sampai tak tau nak buat apa. Sementara tunggu bank dibuka, kami ke Imigration Dept, and here it is..

Yes.. salute to myself, terer gak drive kat KL, walaupun tak familiar dengan area PJ. So, after check in, we went to Jaya One Mall.. ala. tak bestnya.. The first thing kita buat, is perkara biasa.. Makan.. hehehe..

Eh, b.. nampak cam boring je kan.. :p

Waiting Anwar to complete registration.. Wah... The job done berry well.. Credit to daddy, together with mummy, prepare all the docs as well.. :thumbup: Sweet ibu.. sesekali pakai baju kurung.. hehe..

1030 am : "Ibu, they said we can go out and to be here before 6pm".. Wah! That's great for me, panjang masa tu.. Since we dont have GPS or what-so-ever untuk googling KL road, kami redah je dengan Anwar google-maps tunggang langgang while ibu is busy driving.. hehe.. Finally, we spent a lot of time here, just to find - the pail, hanger and tah-apa-apa lagi.. hehe.. Susah jugak camni, when eat is my priority bila sampai satu2 tempat. :p Sian daddy, just hear the story from Laos. Tak pe, next time we will go together - Meatball, Fish and Chips, BBQ quarter chicken and Daim cake @ IKEA, Damansara.