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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

130th - Makkk!! Baju luntur!


I was shocked when my new blouse's colour running out! Habis baju lain kena juga.. I remembered the girl who is the owner of the laundry shop advise me to boil a water with detergent and put my cloth for about half an hour. The result is not bad, even the colour still can be seen by my eyes! not you ok.. hehe..

Ok.. so for the denim blouse, after asking Miss Google, here some tips that I believe I can share after testified and certified by me, myself. :p

Size : 1 helai baju
Sukatan : 5 camca cuka [any brands also can, but I'm using Yeo's]
Air : Setengah besen.
Campur kedua2 cuka dan air dan rendam baju utk 2 jam. Anda akan lihat air tetap berubah warna mengikut warna baju anda. Selepas 2 jam, bilas baju anda dan anda akan perhati warna perlahan2 berhenti keluar! Fantastic kan! Then ambil sedikit pelembut fabric dan campur pada bilasan terakhir. Siap untuk disidai. Apa yang saya perhati, bau pakaian saya sama seperti baju selepas dicuci di dobi.

Menurut sumber, anda akan melihat hasilnya, pakaian anda lebih berseri2 selepas dicuci dengan cuka!

Good luck!