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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

65th - Age - Quantity or Quality?

I will celebrate my birthday this month. So, the circulation of birthday boy and girl listname already come out to be published at every notice board. And I received a birthday wish even my birthday still few weeks left. This is our conversation thru internal Net Message or what-we-called as Pop Up.

R - MIS Officer, just joint my company end of last year, age early 20, birth place - Trengganu. Father of going-to 2 kids. The eldest is about 1 year + and his wife is a graduate of Quantity Surveyor from local University.

R - cukup 23hb ni...bertambah lagi setahun ketuaan nyer yer.....

Me - salah tu.. kita tak blh memikirkan usia.. kita kena fikir pencapaian kita. yeay!
R - i like the way u cover the situation....

Me - kikiki.. yep, age is just a number. qty is not a matter, the matter is the quality..
R - so...setakat ni...berkualiti lagi gi...ahaks!....

Me - ermm.. meaning to say, quality of life is depends on us. How we manage our life. dr b4 married, married, having kids, and so on. setiapnya mesti berkualiti to get the life better. hehehe..
R - alamak...kawe dok pehe kecek oghe putih...dok andesete lasung demo kecek gapo....

Me - eleh mung.. sudahla.. buat2 tak pahe lak.. kekeke.. g bukak kamus
R - kamuh oksfok kawe tingga dumoh...jauh weh kalo kawe nok gi ambek...demo ado kamuh...meh wi kawe pinje...hahahaha...

Me  - sumpah kawe tak pahe. hehehe
R - mung dok andeseteng??

Me - wi tu apa.. hehe
R - oh demo..malu 1 malaysia nih...demo keno bukok kamuh bahaso kelate nih... (wi = bagi)..kekeke..

The conversation end with job related matter discussion. ;)
I try to be berry positive about become or getting old. And with the perangai yang masih 'gila2', I still feel that I'm at the same age of last 20 years > at least. :wink: hehe... For me, tak perlu menuakan diri untuk menunjukkan kita matang, cukuplah mematangkan fikiran dengan membezakan buruk baik dan salah silap. Kerana kesilapan itu lah menjadikan kita semakin menghargai apa yang ada disekelilingi kita!