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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

147th - Mae Nak

Paling tak sabar nak tonton cerita ni, walaupun dah ketinggalan beberapa bulan. Ini adalah kali kedua filem tentang Nak diterbitkan. Apa pun versinya, saya amat menyukai.

Mae Nak is a well-known love ghost story based on true love between Nak and Mak that happened 100 years ago in Thailand. It is a story about a soldier, Mak, who has left his pregnant wife at home, spending years in battle.
Mae Nak (Mae, the archaic form commonly used before a women’s name in old days) lived on the bank of the Prakanong River. At the end of the war he returned home where his house was deserted and ruined. But he saw it as it had been, and his wife Mae Nak and son as they were before he went away. However, once her husband discovered that she was a ghost, he fled to the temple. Mae Nak was furious and began terrorizing people in the village. The whole community was terrified. Villagers decided to dig up Nak’s body and cremated her as according to Buddhist religion so her spirit would rest in peace. But Nak’s ghost refused to go with the love she still had for her husband. Finally they had to bring in a monk to ask Nak’s spirit to go to glory.